Sunday, February 21, 2010

One of my Sewing Projects: Wool Skirt

DS and DH had a boy's-day-out yesterday. They watched Monster Truck Jam show without me.

I could not be happier because DS had a blast. My role in his monster truck obsession is to look for new monster trucks and keep adding to his spectacular collection.

Today, We went out for some errands and late lunch. I wore one of my recent sewing projects - a RR wool skirt. It was a gorgeous skirt but it created an awkward proportion on me - or, it well could be that i am not tall enough for the skirt. i can't change my height, but i can cut it shorter.

The burgundy bag is Gryson. It rarely gets used. ..some bags just don't have that magic 'zen' in them.

*RR wool skirt
NM crystal beaded cashmere cardigan
Wolford merino wool tights
Givenchy booties with chain details on wedge

*click on pictures for close-up


  1. wow... first of all, I love your valentine's gift...everyone seems to look for blue bag.... well, I didn't get one yet, and don't know if I will get one in the future.

    Second, I love the vertical stripes skirt on you. it is fun!!

    The Gryson bag..hum... I am selling one for my friend as you might see from my other blog. it is such a small brand w/ chic style...but somehow it just didn't make BIG!! :)

  2. Hi Rachel,

    good to see you. i just read your new post. it seemed you did not get anything for yourself from H&M. i have not been to a H&M before. but i heard their Choo for HM sale were very popular around xmas. i am also curious about Yu's $20 bag from HM...

    yeah, blue bag is in trend this year. plus i always wanted one, so i jumped on this prada one.

    the RR skirt is cute. i have another skirt from the brand. i like their stuff.

    i saw your other blog with one bag on sale. it is going to be tough to sell since the brand did not make big. i am glad the one i have is all leather at the least...i like bags that are lined with suede. the color is classic too. oh well. i make not-so-wise purchases some times.
