Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Picture from 12 Years ago

When I looked through my old album, I thought I came a long way... but one thing has not changed, - my style and my interest in fashion.

It was formed when I was 18 years old. I still remember my first white boyfriend jacket... i begged my mom got it for me. i wore it with black pencil skirt and black tank top underneath. walking around my high school campus, people predicted i focused too much on appearance that i would fail my college entry exams...

anyway, that was me standing in my apt in my home country 12 years ago. the bunch flowers in a awkward place, and my funny 'rebelling' look.haha..


  1. huh? 12 years ago?

    No way!!!!!

    Sure you didn't change/age at all n' sure, love that cocky attitude. hahah....

    i love love love that brown brogues/oxford you got... oh, can you list the brand name next to the pic. in the future... I searched from top to the bottom to find the brand.... :P

  2. Hi Rachel,
    my son dig some of our old pictures out the other day. i laughed when i saw that picture. it was such a silly look. but i have to admit that i am not as perky now as i was before. i try to stay in shape, but it is not as easy as when you are in 20's... .

    the brown oxford flat i posted in 'Kids' Party' i mentioned the brand name at the last line. it is Dolce Vita, from current season. you may still be able to locate one from one of the shoe websites, do a google search. gosh, we have similar taste on a lot of things. when i saw these oxford, i ordered them right away. you know Louboutin has a pair very handsome oxford with studs this season? if you love oxford very much, maybe it worth a splurge on a pair like that.
