Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th July Party

we had a big 4th July party in a friend's house on 5th July to celebrate 4th July and friend's birthday together. 

people were trying to stay cool because it was 100 degree out that day...

i am always the camera girl because i don't want to miss recording my little boy's fun moment.


while kids were having their fun, guys were doing their stuff- beers and cigars...


another pair of shoes this season. oscar de la renta snake skin/ patent leather platform sandals. they are flattering on feet. and comfy enough to wall around for a couple of hours.


  1. oooohhhh... what a gorgy pair of heels! how come you keep scoring nice shoes in your size. i've been checking out the sales and nothing has caught my eye and those that i like are never in my size. *sigh*

    anyway, i've been hearing about that crazy heatwave back east! hope you guys survive and stay cool. (^_^)

  2. Hi Betsy,

    have not seen you for a while, how are you?

    thanks for the comment. i got lucky scoring these oscar sandals... still has a pair but in a higher heels (5' i think). i got a 4' with 1' platform from neimans.

    it is hard to score good stuff during sales. there are a lot of people are much better and faster than we are at sales. we need some lucks to score good stuff. :)

    we are cooked this week! i am glad that we just replaced our old central a/c with a much better new one last month.

  3. thank you Blackisthenewblack.
    i agree that no color can do what black does.
